Sexual Health Service (Western Isles) – Cool2Talk

NHS Western Isles offers sexual health services, information, advice and contraceptive supplies, free of charge throughout the Western Isles. There are many different contraceptive methods available, and it is worth taking the time to find out more about each one so that you can choose the best method to suit you. CLICK HERE

Confidential service for any young person needing contraception, support and advice around sexual health.

Family planning service including free condoms, pregnancy test kits & emergency contraception.

Sexual Health clinic isĀ open Monday’s between 2.00 – 4.00pm.

Tel: 01851 708305

Clinic by appointment only, this can be done by calling the above number or going through your Doctor.


Out Patients Dept Western Isles Hospital Stornoway HS1 2TJ

call:- 01851 708305