Glow (LGBT Perth & Kinross)
LGBT Youth Scotland currently run Glow, a weekly LGBT youth drop in at AK Bell Library, York Place, Perth, PH2 8EP in the wellbeing space
The Glow group meet up in Perth every Tuesday from 6-8pm and is run by Izzy. These are open to any young people aged 13 – 25. You can find the twelve week plans for both the groups here in case young people are interested to know what activities the groups get up to. Young people interested in joining the group can self-refer through the website and will be contacted to arrange an introduction chat
We continue to offer one to one support for young people age 13 – 25, around any aspect of gender identity or sexual orientation. One to ones can be delivered in person or via Teams, we also have our digital services who run a live chat service.
If you would like to join the group, or keep up to date with what’s happening in Perth, please drop in, email or complete the form on LGBT Youth Scotland Website.
contact details