Cool2Talk – A safe space for young people age 12 and over

Keeping you Safe

cool2talk is not an emergency service. If you need an immediate response please contact Childline on 0800 1111 or the Samaritans

cool2talk provides a confidential service. When you use the site you do not have to provide personal information that identifies you.

Sometimes, if we’re worried about your or someone else’s immediate safety, we may need to get you help. If this is the case, we will use your IP address (a number used by your internet provider)and other information that you have provided to
get help to you.

We would like to reassure you that this would only happen if there was immediate risk of harm for you or someone else.

Read more HERE on our safeguarding & child protection procedures.

Please post a question on the site if you want more information

Feel Good Follows

Social media can be an overwhelming place!

Your ‘ForYou’ page may not always be the best posts for you!

It can be easy to let what you’re seeing on the screen live RENT FREE in your head and bring you down for the rest of the day 🙁

We’ll be updating our Feel Good Follows Zone every month with our top recommendations for your feed! Check it out (HERE)

Can you help? 

Find out more HERE or if you would like to talk to someone about the project contact Kirsten at