MAYDS – Mid Argyll Youth Development Service – Cool2Talk

Mid Argyll Youth Development Service

Mid Argyll Youth Development Services (MAYDS) works with children and young people up to 26 years old, providing a range of recreational, educational and tailor made support services.

Living rurally, the children and young people of Mid Argyll face many disadvantages and inequalities due to issues such as limited public transport, lack of further training and employment opportunities, lack of support services etc.  MAYDS works hard to break down those barriers by offering a full-time robust program of activities, projects, training, educational and support services.  Along with running clubs, sports sessions, music groups, drama and arts, trips etc. we also provide free training programs, alternate curriculum options and support for marginalized groups such as young carers, young parents, young people with disabilities, those with mental health issues, families in difficulty, children and young people adopted or in foster care, young people misusing substances or whose parents have an addiction etc.

MAYDS is the only service of thisr kind in Mid Argyll delivering services to children, young people on a wide and varied range of issues.  The rurality of Mid Argyll, which is said to have a shrinking, aging population, is the reason MAYDS does not specialise in one field but looks to address children and young people’s needs on an individual basis.

We are open full-time to allow us to provide services that meet local need including-:

Diversionary Programs

  1. i) Senior Youth Drop-in’s.
  2. ii) Five Alive Youth club.

iii)           6 to 8’s in Action.

  1. iv) Girls and Boys only free swimming sessions.
  2. v) JAM music club.
  3. vi) Ardrishaig Youth drop in.

vii)          Pony Club.

viii)         Free monthly trips and outings.

  1. ix) Drama club.
  2. x) Surfing club.
  3. xi) Diversionary Dance.

xii)          Mobile Skate Park.

50 A Union Street Lochgilphead PA31 8JS Argyll and Bute // 01546 603231