Childline Scotland – Cool2Talk

What’s on offer: Childline Scotland is a free, confidential telephone counselling service for children and young people. Childline Scotland aims to protect children who are at risk or harm and to help children resolve or alleviate their problems and worries.

Coreline: 0800 1111 – Although Childline Scotland answers calls during the afternoon and evenings, the peak calling times, a 24hr service is maintained through the London base using the same number.

Bullying line: – 0800 44 11 11 – For children and young people concerned about bullying. Open Mon-Fri 3.30-9.30pm.

The Line – 0800 88 44 44 – For children and young people living away from home: residential or foster care, boarding school, hospital or secure accommodation. Mon- Fri 3.30-9.30pm, Sat & Sun 2-8pm.

Textphone:- 0800 400 222 – For children and young people with hearing or speech impairment. Mon-Fri 9.30am-9.30pm, Sat & Sun 9.30am-8pm

18 Albion Street Glasgow G1 1LH