Children & Youth Rights Officer – Perth & Kinross – Cool2Talk

Perth and Kinross Council and Who Cares Scotland promote the rights and responsibilities of children and young people.

Our children and youth rights and independent advocacy workers will:

  • listen to you and respect you and your views
  • explain what your rights and responsibilities are
  • help you to speak out at meetings or in groups if you feel you are not being listened to

What you talk to us about is private and confidential and we will not tell anyone else without your permission.  However, it is our duty to involve other services if we feel that what you tell us puts you or another person at risk.  If this happens we will always talk things through with you first.

For more information about your rights and responsibilities you can get in touch with the Council’s Children and Youth Rights Worker by sending a text to 07999589953 or by phoning 01738 474584.

email :- // call:-01738 474584