PKAVS Young Adult Carers Service (P&K) – Cool2Talk

Supports Unpaid Carers

PKAVS Young Adult Carers supports unpaid carers from 16-25 years in the Perth & Kinross area.

Young carers look after someone in their home – usually a parent or sibling – who may have mental health issues, a disability, chronic ill health or drug and alcohol issues.

As a young carer, you may do things round the home to help your relative or their illness may cause you to worry about them.  Whatever your caring role is, we are here to listen and help.
You can get in touch with Jenny
to make a referral.
We provide a range of support for young people with a caring role.  this includes respites groups in Perth, Blairgowrie and Crieff; Wellbeing workshops; one2one support; trips; signposting to other services; support for benefit funding and jobs.
Facebook: Pkavs Young-Adult Carers

The Gateway North Methven Street Perth PH1 5PP // 01738 567076