Specialised Sexual Health Services – Helensburgh – Cool2Talk

we operate an appointment only clinic where people can phone 01436 655000 on a Friday only, any updates to the service will be posted on the Argyll & Bute HSCP Facebook page


Specialised clinics provide a full range of sexual health care and reproductive services.

Friday only appointments and drop-in 9-12am and 1-4pm – 01436 655000

Contraception, sexual health, cervical smears, sexually transmitted infections (sti), pregnancy, good health

www.waverleycare.org; ab-wish.org/helpful-services/sexual-health-services

Helensburgh Sexual and Reproductive Health Care. Outpatients, Victoria Integrated Care Centre, 93 East King Street, Helensburgh, G84 7BU

01436 655000