Contraception – Cool2Talk
Sexual health


What is it & where to get it

Contraception refers to the methods that are used to prevent pregnancy. Some methods of contraception can also be used to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Contraception is FREE on the NHS for all ages. All consultations are confidential unless someone is at risk of harm.

Find details below for your area.

NHS Tayside

NHS Argyll & Bute

NHS Western Isles

Community Pharmacies in Tayside are now able to issue a 3 month supply of Desogestril (Progestogen Only Pill/POP) as short term bridging contraception, allowing more time for people to arrange an appointment with their GP. A supply may be given after an Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC) consultation or, where no EHC is required, a supply can be given as a standalone, temporary supply if requested. Find out about this HERE. 

There are many different types of contraception, and it’s important to be informed and find out (with your partner if you want) about which suits you best. There are lots of things to think about – and everyone is different.


BROOK also have lots of good information on contraceptive choices

Under 16?

You can access contraception even if you under 16 years old. If you attend any of the above centres to access contraception and you are not yet 16 years old you will be asked a few questions to make sure that you are safe.

It’s good to be informed around consent & sex & the law.

All consultations are confidential, that means nobody is going to call home to let anyone know you have been to the clinic, although you may be encouraged to speak to your parents or carers.

Emergency Contraception

Condoms burst, pills get missed or we have sex without a condom and regret it later. It is possible to get emergency contraception to prevent a pregnancy after unprotected sex. Find out more about what it is and where to get it HERE.


If you think you may be pregnant have a look HERE.

Free Condoms

Free condoms are available in all areas

NHS Tayside

NHS Argyll & Bute

NHS Western Isles